JUNE 2023
Volunteering at Tern Point via the WILLING HELPERS group
Volunteers, over many years, have helped improve and maintain our unique Tern Point environment. For example, creating walking tracks, planting trees and grasses, Olive harvesting, and farm projects.
Their enthusiasm and community spirit have contributed greatly to the property as it is today and they express the value of camaraderie and new friendships.
There is a range of large and small jobs to be done at any given time and additional volunteers are always very welcome. A larger pool of volunteers reduces the pressure to respond to every call and spreads the workload.
A group of “Willing Helpers” has been established and is led by Kevin Eddington. Kevin liaises with the committee and property manager to get jobs done.
If you would like to be part of the Willing Helpers, even if only occasionally, please contact us at
Jobs are organised, by Kevin, via a Whats App group.